Where did I live the last SixZero?
Looking back on 60 years of moving houses, for a great variety of over a dozen reasons, I felt it was time to record where I lived:
This however made me realise that the reason I am writing these posts about me, them and other things, is mainly not to forget. This is not yet - but will become - a increasing challenge over time. Worse, I think that before we forget facts completely, we start to distort them. That is not done intentionally, but we start to imagine little bridges that help to connect the different memories. And these bridges grow in size. I tend to forget more easily then some of my good friends - you know who you are -, and in today's time of fake news, alternative facts, misrepresentation or even outright lies, I do not want to contribute to this, so best to write certain things down while the sun is still shining. Rest assured, I do not need my daily video yet, as Lucy does in the movie “50 First dates” (2004 with Drew Barrymore), but like to start to lay the foundation to prepare for what may happened to all of us in a couple of decades. Further recommended viewing, though more serious, is “Still Alice” (2014 with Julian Moore).
In the last 10 years, I photographed and compiled over 50 photo galleries each year, and looking at some of the older ones, I am happily surprised how they help to remember. Sometimes they are scary revelations, often I wonder how I could have forgotten that. Coming back to the title of this post, compiling the simple pie chart of showing in what countries I lived and for how long, already helped to call back many memories, and made me realise again how colourful my background is.